AITA for wanting to split inheritance money equally between my kids when my wife wants to prioritize one?

Recently came into some money after getting lucky on a bet on Stake and facing a difficult situation with my wife about how to distribute it between our three children. I believe the fairest approach is to split it equally three ways. My wife, however, wants to give a larger portion to one of our kids.

The money is enough to make a meaningful difference in each child's life if split evenly. While I understand the instinct to give more help to a child who may need it, I worry about creating resentment and damaging sibling relationships. An equal split feels like the clearest way to show we value all our children the same.

My wife hasn't spoken to me since our last discussion about this. She thinks I'm being unfair by not considering individual circumstances. But I keep thinking about how I'd feel as one of the kids getting less - like my parents valued me less than my sibling.

The money is technically mine to distribute, but I want to handle this in a way that keeps peace in the family. Still, my gut says equal shares is right.

AITA for insisting on an equal split rather than going along with my wife's wish to give more to one child?