AITA for not wanting to be intimate anymore?
so i (23f) and my husband (26m) have a 15mo daughter. before baby and while i was pregnant, we had sex all. the freaking. time. lol my hormones were through the roof and i was ALWAYS down. but after giving birth, my sex drive completely plummeted and i had no desire to sleep with him at all. we both knew it would take time but fast forward 15 months later and still nothing… he initiates sometimes but i always feel so awkward and uncomfortable. like i don’t see myself as a sexual being anymore. and it’s not just that i don’t have the urge, but i hate when he tries anything bc i just don’t feel like being intimate anymore… also, i’m a SAHM with no support system (except for my husband who’s at work 9-7) so i’m always so exhausted at night and just wanna lay in bed and have my alone time after putting baby to sleep but he always tries to get me to come out of the room and hang out and spend time with him in the living room but i know he’d initiate stuff which makes me REALLY not want to. we’ve talked about it before and he says that not trying isn’t gonna help my sex drive to come back which is true but idk i’m ok with not getting it back… i know it’s unfair on him and i feel bad for feeling this way but i just can’t help it.
TLDR; AITA for not wanting to be intimate or spend time with my husband anymore 15 months postpartum?
ETA: i’m currently on antidepressants (zoloft), which can contribute to low libido, although i never had that symptom pre-baby. I’m also exclusively breastfeeding since she refuses bottles and i can’t even be away from her too long bc of that. the longest we’ve been apart was 3.5hrs of which she was crying the entire time (that’s a problem for another day) so it isn’t that easy for me to have days off or get a sitter.