Ravaged Realm Survey: Who are the TOP PLAYERS in AFK Journey in Season 2?

TLDR: Complete the following survey below ASAP (within 48 hours) before the Ravaged Realm leaderboard is removed from the game: https://forms.gle/xcjoWZcqGS3jtG5A7


  1. Objective: Present a comprehensive Global Ravaged Realm Leaderboard to find out the top 200 players in AFK Journey as at end of Season 2.
  2. Rationale: The Ravaged Realm event is a true assessment of the skill levels of the top players as it requires all factional heroes to be used. Charms, talents and hero placement also play a crucial role. This leaderboard will allow them to get the proper recognition they deserve.
  3. OPTIONAL: If any players >500B damage, please key in their details even if outside of top 3.
  4. Please submit your screenshots to me preferably on discord. Else you can submit them via email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

Any questions, you are welcome to ask me.