Does anyone else get afib advanced warning?

I may have a unique experience in that I often sense an episode coming before it happens—sometimes hours in advance. I've been diagnosed with a small hiatal hernia, and I suspect my afib is vagally mediated. GI symptoms like bloating, reflux, and regurgitation almost always precede my episodes. These symptoms sometimes trigger ectopic beats, which I can feel. Most of the time, I can manage the GI issues and prevent the stray beats from progressing to afib, but not always.

Last week, for instance, after a three-year break, my GI symptoms escalated into afib. I’m curious if anyone else experiences similar warning signs before an episode. Do you feel afib coming on in advance? If so, what symptoms do you notice, and have you found any ways to stop it from progressing?

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ll be asking my cardiologist about taking my pill-in-pocket medication (Flecainide) when I feel the warning signs. But I’d love to know how typical my experience is.

Thanks so much for any insights or shared experiences!