Gas and resulting very short bouts of possible afib.

Dear Everyone, I hope everyone is doing ok. I’m new here, I have been stuck in a bit of a loop over maybe a 10 year period. I get over a certain weight (bad diet lack of exercise poor sleep and stress, I can have hyper vigilance due to ptsd which can be why I comfort eat) anyway once I get over a certain weight I literally feel a little tickle in my lower left stomach that in turn triggers an atrial ectopic.

When bad they can go on for ages sometimes multiple in a row and every other heart beat etc.

It’s very scary and once excercise is re introduced and weight and (sometimes) extreme stress comes down they eventually vanish after maybe a week or two or a month.

My echo show my heart is structurally fine. And the excellent consultant Dr always tried to reassure me, and it passes.

However, as well as ectopics now when I’m overweight and seem to have lots of air in stomach, fizzy drinks, big meal, I have had momentary possible afib, it’s usually just for a few seconds to 20 30 seconds absolute max.

And I cough or move and breath out hard and it goes away.

And it can go away quickly on its own just as quickly as it started.

It seems as I get older my body is not tolerating the weight and I need to maintain a healthy weight which I find very hard!!!

My question is given I can always reconcile these very brief rapid heartbeats to being overweight and big meal, lots of stomach gas, stress combo, is it likely, and is it a “thing” that being a little obese when rectified can eliminate the possible afib when stomach size returns to more normal? Had anyone else had this?

I feel so frustrated as as I feel it’s the stomach being bloated/too big as the cause, I’m so angry with myself giving myself a condition I could avoid if I look after myself. And the likely symptomatic tiny episodes of afib related purely to obesity could develop unnecessarily :(

I’m very scared I will stay in this cycle as fear and palpitations drives me to eating better and cardio, I LOSE the weight, all ectopics and palpitations stop and I think I can eat what I want again! It not good :(

Also I don’t think the hyper vigilance at night I get from old ptsd helps, I’m having counselling and support groups etc.

Feedback really appreciated and welcomed.
