I meditated, ate a good breakfast, worked out, took a vyvanse, and sat down with my coffee, and still couldn't get my work done.

I'm at a loss for words at this point. I've been trying to focus on finishing this task for the last 3 weeks and I can't just get it done. It's due tomorrow and my boss will be back from his vacation asking where it is, and I'm just absolutely fucked. I've done everything I'm "supposed to do" such as meditate, take meds, work out, try the pomodoro technique, install web blockers, change my environment, go for a walk, break down the task to easy checklist items, and I just can't start on this daunting awful task.

I honestly don't think I've done five minutes of work in the last month.

I'm starting to think I just am an awful employee, and I'm almost 40 years old.

Anyone else?