[GIVEAWAY] You have ONE MINUTE to scoop up as many wrapped presents as you can
I had a birthday party on my island yesterday and hid SO MANY PRESENTS for guests to find. There's so many left over so... HAVE AT EM! A whole whack of furniture, clothes, DIYS, etc.
I'll give you ONE MINUTE as soon as you walk past me by the entrance to grab what you can. Just look around for wrapped presents errywhere. After the one minute is over, I WILL END SESSION. If you value your time on the island, I'd suggest closing any chat windows in the game during the end session otherwise it might error you out & you won't get the items you ran so hard for!!! I'm taking in one person at a time!
Comment your favorite villager so I know you've read this. I'll be dming you one at a time with a dodocode, if I don't get a response within 5 minutes, IM SORRY, I'm moving onto the next person in line.