The gods have punished me for my optimism.

I spent the entire week studying math, feeling good about myself with an unprecedentedly good rest the night before, feeling great and fresh hopping into my car and shifting into drive.

My mood was only lifted when I saw the English portion, ‘What a breeze!’ I thought, finishing with over 15 minutes to spare with a giant grin on my face.

But then I flipped to section 2 and the math section quickly ripped that grin right off my stupid fucking face. Over the course of this godforsaken math section I could feel the problems leaping off the page and having their way with me as my TI-84 simply stood and watched.

My eyes heavy and weak, I barely made it through the science section, grasping onto any form of sanity I still had left within me. That’s when I realized there were 4 more fuck-ass pages of the booklet. The words ‘Test 5’ came out of my proctors mouth and I had to physically restrain myself from impaling my head with my Ticonderoga #2 pencil, knowing I had to spend another 30 minutes in this hellhole.

What a thoroughly horrible experience. Some girl also didn’t know what her zip code was and didn’t fill out her information part of her answer sheet so I had to sit in the fiery pits of that testing room for another 4 minutes.

There will be no math superscore, for I have been crucified by the ACT — using its cruel instrument to banish me to the eternal damnation of the indestructible iron box my score shall hold me in.