Passing decides everything, I'm so tired
People wouldn't laugh at me in public if i passed
People wouldn't look at me weird if i passed
People wouldn't see me as sub-human if i passed
People would be empathetic towards me if i passed
People wouldn't root for my death if i passed
I wouldn't feel so doomed/hurt about transphobia if i passed
I wouldn't be on 4tran4 if i passed
I wouldn't hate pictures of myself if i passed
I wouldn't have had to hold back tears in public if i passed
I wouldn't have constant anxiety over masculinizing if i passed
I wouldn't be so traumatized by puberty if i passed
I would go outside if i passe
I would stop boymoding if I passed
I would actually want to life if i passed
I would not be ashamed of existing if i passed
I hate muh laif