A Seinfeld 4k update.
Disclaimer: I’ve only popped in the Season 4 disc so far, but here’s my first impression of the Seinfeld 4K Boxset. This is just my take and not meant to be taken as fact.
First off, from what I’ve seen, it really feels like some effort went into this set—except for the packaging. Sony usually does a good job with their releases, and to me, this doesn’t feel like a throwaway or botched MOD release.
I know there’s an unboxing video that has been circulating around stating that the artwork looks cheaply printed, but from what I am seeing (and best tried to capture in slide 4 & 5I, the quality is actually good and competes with any other release I have on my shelf. Maybe the unboxing set had low-ink printing, or maybe I just got lucky 😂.
Menus: To those interested in the menu, I think it looks great. As you can see the menu options follow the Seinfeld style and theme (unlike the god-awful default text and icons used by WB). The menu option hovers to the direction you select so that the selected option is always on the very left of the screen, which is a nice touch.
Extras: I haven’t had a chance to dive deep into the extras yet, but from what I’ve seen, I think the average fan will be happy. There are commentary tracks for some more popular episodes, which is always a nice bonus.
Picture Quality: For true doubters, yes, the 4K is in the original aspect ratio! To me, the picture quality looks great, and the grain is nice and healthy. There’s a post from u/kecofo8180 showing it screenshot for a more accurate depiction.
Disc Condition: As for the discs themselves, mine were mostly fine. All the discs were correct, and most were in great condition. I did notice a bit of residue on a few in Seasons 5, 6, and 9, and one disc in Season 6 had a scratch.
Hopefully, this helps anyone curious about the set! Feel free to ask me anything.