Very large freckles


So since I was a kid I’ve had freckles across my nose and cheeks. In the last decade, I have spent lots of sun time and these freckles, one in particular, has grown in size. I have been to dermatologists before and no one has mentioned it as a concern. I’m considering going again when I can to have it check specifically.

My question though, is say this isn’t a dangerous nevus of any type, in all your opinions, should I try to remove these anyways? Aesthetically speaking.

I would definitely feel sad to do it; I think they give something unique to my face and I’ve always had them. But for the first time people have started to make comments, when I never really thought about it before. But I wonder if I’m just blind to what is considered ugly, and I don’t want to walk around clueless. I do like my strange freckles, as long as they aren’t dangerous.

Thanks for any input!