Better in every practical way than the HB & TP

Centurion 5.5” & CAT ODB are quieter with subs and supers, more accurate, and less gassy. I can actually use a good buffer system and have braces/stocks that provide me with a good cheek weld. Folds up to the same OAL as an unsuppressed HB, usable MLOK even with a nestled suppressor, Radian ADAC lower gives me am I controls. I could go on and on. The Honey Badger gives you nothing meaningful over any quality home build of the same price.

Inb4 “it weighs so much more than the honey badger!” Go to the gym weaklings, neither one is heavy.

Centurion 5.5” & CAT ODB are quieter with subs and supers, more accurate, and less gassy. I can actually use a good buffer system and have braces/stocks that provide me with a good cheek weld. Folds up to the same OAL as an unsuppressed HB, usable MLOK even with a nestled suppressor, Radian ADAC lower gives me am I controls. I could go on and on. The Honey Badger gives you nothing meaningful over any quality home build of the same price.

Inb4 “it weighs so much more than the honey badger!” Go to the gym weaklings, neither one is heavy.