After almost a decade of balancing around risk vs reward for PvM piñatas, the cheating PKers get to enjoy the wilderness with all the reward and none of the risk
I think at this point we can chalk up any all attempts at "fixing" the wilderness to be failures.
There is no risk vs reward when cheaters are running rampant. Only risk for the legit players and reward for the cheaters.
I've spent my whole life engaging in PvP on this game, including on my current iron (I love LMS). A fair PvP fight is fun, but PvP isn't about fun anymore. It's about how much of your shit can I take from you whether it was fair or not, and it's starting to feel like now or never to save PvP on this game. We screamed about RoT for months until jagex finally did something. The cheat clients and websites are out of control, so much so many players are truly straight up refusing to enter the wilderness at all til this is fixed.
PvP separated this game from so many others I played while growing up. It would be really sad to see the worst people, who don't play the game, but use it as a cash cow to prey on others, destroy it.