It's FINALLY here: Edit your ratings!
I think we've waited long enough for an edit feature now, haven't we?
Due to the nature of not having a password protection to your project, this will only work for those that can identify their ownership via email, i.e you must have an email attached to your account.
A way to add email to an account will be available in the future, but for now, it's not possible. For security reasons but i've also not had the time to look into it yet.
Our patreons have tested it since yesterday, found a few things that has now been fixed, so i think we're ready for some reddit-testing!
Go to your info page, then scroll down a bit, and there's an "Edit reviews" section. The password in the testing-phase is elviscostello
Then you'll get a mail, click the link in it. Then you can edit for an hour. This can then be enabled again, whenever you want.
Remember this is still a test so it's a good idea to keep a copy of the orignal review. Who knows what might happen!
Let me know any issues! (The history page is very ugly and a bit buggy on some devices, that's a separate thing i'm gonna deal with eventually).