200 Album Checkpoint
Made it to the 200 album mark!
For some reason, this stretch was a lot harder to get through compared to my first 100 albums. One thing I did notice, though, is that in my first 100 albums, I had only heard about 30 albums before starting the challenge. This time, I had heard about 45 albums, and I knew I'd give 12 of them 5-stars before even listening, because they're some of my favorite albums ever. That ended up being over half of the 5-stars ratings I handed out this round! So maybe I was a bit bored by the lack of discovery.
My Top 10 feels a bit predictable to me because it's being filled with albums I already love, and while those are easy listening days, they're also a bit boring. For me, this challenge is most fun when I'm discovering new instant 5-star albums. I still think Let It Be by The Replacements is my overall favorite find, but I've been revisiting Beauty and the Beat, Car Wheels On A Gravel Road, and Africa Brasil a lot.
I only gave 2 albums a 1-star rating, though, compared to 8 (!) last time. If I had to give a least favorite so far, it's a tough battle between The Divine Comedy's Casanova and The Yardbird's Roger the Engineer. Both horrible albums, wish I never heard them, for very different reasons.
I also think I'm deep enough in where I'm wishing I could change my ratings, especially some 4-stars. My biggest regret so far is Hotel California, which was a first-time listen and would actually be high in my top ratings now that I've had time to sit with it. But I think that's the result of me including what would be a 4.5-star in both tiers. Similarly, I wish I could at least change Beggars Banquet and Californication to 1-star ratings now that I've heard other albums by those band.
I have a backlog of about 40 more albums in my history, so I'm going to pause and try to catch up quick.
Have fun looking at my profile! More fun at 300!!