200 Album Checkpoint

Made it to the 200 album mark!

For some reason, this stretch was a lot harder to get through compared to my first 100 albums. One thing I did notice, though, is that in my first 100 albums, I had only heard about 30 albums before starting the challenge. This time, I had heard about 45 albums, and I knew I'd give 12 of them 5-stars before even listening, because they're some of my favorite albums ever. That ended up being over half of the 5-stars ratings I handed out this round! So maybe I was a bit bored by the lack of discovery.

My Top 10 feels a bit predictable to me because it's being filled with albums I already love, and while those are easy listening days, they're also a bit boring. For me, this challenge is most fun when I'm discovering new instant 5-star albums. I still think Let It Be by The Replacements is my overall favorite find, but I've been revisiting Beauty and the Beat, Car Wheels On A Gravel Road, and Africa Brasil a lot.

I only gave 2 albums a 1-star rating, though, compared to 8 (!) last time. If I had to give a least favorite so far, it's a tough battle between The Divine Comedy's Casanova and The Yardbird's Roger the Engineer. Both horrible albums, wish I never heard them, for very different reasons.

I also think I'm deep enough in where I'm wishing I could change my ratings, especially some 4-stars. My biggest regret so far is Hotel California, which was a first-time listen and would actually be high in my top ratings now that I've had time to sit with it. But I think that's the result of me including what would be a 4.5-star in both tiers. Similarly, I wish I could at least change Beggars Banquet and Californication to 1-star ratings now that I've heard other albums by those band.

I have a backlog of about 40 more albums in my history, so I'm going to pause and try to catch up quick.

Have fun looking at my profile! More fun at 300!!


All 5-Star Albums Ranked

First Listen 5-Star Albums Ranked

Top 10 4-Star Albums

Rating Spread So Far